parchment in burlap
December 31, 2021 News

2021 year-in review

______________________________________ This year, we roasted 34,191 kgs of green coffee from 11 countries. ______________________________________

  • 39% supported investments in Health Care/Food Security/Infrastructure
  • 61% supported investments in Education/Youth Development
  • 18% from Organic Certified farms

    > Why not a commitment to 100%? Read more about our approach to purchasing

    in our FAQ article here

  • 57% were from recurring annual purchasing relationships

    > Read more about why relationships are important to us in this blog post

  • 57% of these coffees supported women-driven supply chains

    > Read more about why this is important here

  • For 100% of these coffees we paid above the 2021 Fair Trade minimum price per pound to the exporter or Co-Op

  • We donated $953 (CAD) to World Coffee Research